“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary….”
Today’s podcast recommendation is Sleep with Me. No, it’s not naughty. It’s a guide to help you sleep. Our host is Scooter, aka Scoots, aka Drew Ackerman.
I discovered this podcast several years ago when I was having trouble sleeping (due to a shitty job that was causing me stress). If you’re like me, and bedtime is when your brain wakes up and goes, “Hey what about that document, did you remember to shred that?” or “do dogs have belly buttons?” or “did you *really* lock all the doors though?” … then this is for you.
It is a guide to help you turn off all those other thoughts and focus on Scooter as he guides you to sleep by rambling about nearly nothing in his “smooth, dulcet tones”.
I felt with all the anxiety most of us have been feeling lately (and all the horror I recommended in October) you might welcome a nice gentle podcast to lull you to sleep or at least calm you.
There are a lot of sleep podcasts out there, and you should try a bunch to see what works for you, but this is my favorite. Mostly because Scoots is so charming and I love listening to my “Borefriend”.
I urge you to follow and become a patron on Patreon. He’s very generous and puts out many episodes each week! You’ll get a special RSS feed that allows you to download the special episodes (without the meandering introductions, if you just want the story).
He does a few series where he talks you through a TV show. He’s done Game of Thrones, Doctor Who and his newest one that I love is The Great British Baking Show. I know, right?! I’ve already listened to the three episodes on this and even watched the show so I could see all the things he described. It’s soooo wonderful!
Find it in on your favorite podcast app or right here
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